Friday, April 13, 2012

《宣傳易》Books for Mobile Applications

這篇仍然是我在taaze讀冊生活的二手書宣傳!這次有兩本mobile application開發的書。有趣的是,taaze規定不可販售電腦書,有部分電腦書是不能販售,但仍然有些電腦書沒有被擋下來可以默默銷售,相當詭異。

總之,第一本是"Beginning Android 3"英文版,台北天龍購入,全新未翻過。至於為什麼沒有翻過,就不用問了。

第二本是"iPhone SDK 3 App 程式設計",為中文書(翻譯),台北天龍購入,好像也沒翻過,原因是都直接看Apple的SDK。老實說,Apple的SDK寫得還不錯,私以為比MSDN清楚易懂。



這是我在taaze販售的二手書宣傳囉!這次介紹約耳(Joel Spolsky)的兩本書:《約耳趣談軟體:來自專案管理的現場實錄》和《約耳續談軟體:探究軟體經營的根本實學

第一次讀約耳系列是讀線上翻譯版,那時寫了這篇小心得。記得那時在學校computer center讀得要忍笑。現在離之前讀約有一年多,但仍然記得一句最好笑的「這個程式真的可以用耶,真是個好軟體!」好笑是因為真的太傳神了,下載了什麼軟體,還沒用之前總有種焦慮,擔心會不會「不能用」,那種「不能用」其實包括不好用、難用、不直覺、麻煩...等等等等。不會用時,才不管什麼help,當然直接刪掉。但是,如果程式一開就很簡單能馬上解決我要解決的事情,心裡還真的會歡呼「可以用耶,太棒了,好軟體!」



Thursday, March 8, 2012

Art Up Close: From Ancient to Modern

I read "Art Up Close" today and was having a good time playing with this book. This book copies famous paintings from ancient Egypt to modern Picasso. The interesting part is, the book extracts small parts of each paintings, and reader could find where those small parts are in the paintings. It is like "Where's Wally?" series.
What amazed me was that, by looking for those small parts, I pay attention to the details of each paintings. Even an Egypt painting, which looks simple at a glance, has lots of interesting details. No two men on the painting are the same.
The book aims for children, but I believe adults can have a good time reading it, too.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

One of my favorite Christmas song. Accuradio has a channel “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” that plays various versions of this song. That is so nice.


Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas – Lyrics

Music composed by Hugh Martin, lyrics by Ralph Blane

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.

Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.

Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Python utf-8 decoding problem

今天用Python/Google App Engine寫網站時遇到的error message:

File "C:\Python27\lib\encodings\", line 16, in decode
    return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xa4 in position 57: invalid start byte


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Melody–Realize (龍櫻op)

作詞:melody. /MIZUE
作曲:Koutaro Odaka
編曲:Kei "Spicy" Kawano


I can 迷わずに 進もう
願いに 近ずけるよ
I see the light
Wake up, stand up
もう一度 明日へ try

Look at my 小さいの手で
Hold on tight つかまえた my precious
なくしそうな visions is me
見失いたくない 自分のway

Do you know that I want it all
心の奥で 輝き つずける
その夢を 忘れないで

I can 迷わずに 進もう
願いに 近ずけるよ

いつの日にか 溢れる 光の花を咲かせよう
I see the light
Wake up, stand up
もう一度 明日へ try

Here I am 瞳閉じたら
独りじゃないことに 気ずいた
乾いていた 心が 嬉しい 涙に染まる Once again

I promise 今から
この胸の中で 動き始めた
この鼓動 感じながら

I will 思い切り つらぬく
このまま 走りたいから
いつの日にか 夢見た場所で
A-ha-ha と笑っているでしょ
Wake up, stand up
何度でも Get up and try

Carry on…..
I realize
I realize
That we can get there

I can 迷わずに 進もう
願いに 近ずけるよ

いつの日にか 溢れる 光の花を咲かせよう

I will 思い切り つらぬく
このまま 走りたいから
いつの日にか 夢見た場所で
A-ha-ha と笑っているでしょ
Wake up, stand up
何度でも Get up and try


I see the light
wake up, stand up
再一次 對著明天去嘗試

緊緊抓住 獲得的珍貴東西
這種稍縱即逝的想法 卻是我

Do you know that I want it all
在心的深處 持續閃耀的
這個夢想 是絕對不會忘記的

I see the light
wake up, stand up
再一次 向明天 嘗試

Here I am 閉上雙眼的話
就會意識到 其實並不孤獨

I promise 從今天開始
在胸中 開始澎湃的
這個鼓動 我感覺到了

★我會下定決心 貫徹到底
所以,也許某一天 能在夢中所盼望的地方
a-ha-ha 開懷地笑著吧
wake up, stand up
不管是幾次 get up and try ★

carry on...
I realize
I realize
that we can get there



Sunday, February 27, 2011

Plants vs Zombies soundtrack

Plants vs Zombies is my favorite game recently. What fascinates me most is its graphic design and music. The music is from Laura Shigihara, from Wiki I learned that she wants to mix in melodic tunes and funky beats! One of my favorite song in this game is its main menu background music. It is:

I like it especially from 0:35!

This is one is also good. 好鬼得意!