Thursday, July 30, 2009

紅豬 - 真紅の翼


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fred Claus (2007)

fred-claus-poster2 (1).jpg 

聖誕老人(Santa Claus)有一個憤世嫉俗且幼稚的哥哥(Fred Claus),Fred厭惡聖誕節,因為博愛的聖人弟弟從小獲得了爸媽所有關愛的眼神。

Fred Claus(中譯:聖誕老兄)很典型,必定走向兄弟和解,Fred不再憤世嫉俗的圓滿結局。但是劇情一步步並不落俗套,張力都很夠,累積到最後蹦出的感動超乎想像。也許主要是因為Vince Vaughn飾演碎嘴、機車的Fred,與Paul Giamatti飾演老好聖誕老人,火花不錯。


Yup, there are no naughty kids.

查到對本片的評論、評價,都是不甚正面,但我看這部片卻看的蠻起勁的。大概是因為本來租這片就是為了看Vince Vaughn,還有我對於這種手足關係的片還蠻喜歡的吧。


Saturday, July 11, 2009









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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Curtis Mayfield - P.S. I Love You from Superbad OST


P.S. I Love You / Curtis Mayfield
from Superbad O.S.T.


I guess I'II always feel the same
Love is strange
Ah! P.S. I loveyou, Baby

I wouldn't have it any other way
As long as there's been a night and day
It's been you and you crazy ways

I've loved you long as I can remember
Your precious love's burning ember 
Together, Baby, how can we lose 
Always been to me, Baby, a longtime friend 
Been a long, long winter. Glad we're lovers again 

Way back long ago, we made a vow 
I don't quite remember now 
But it ended, P.S. I love you, Baby 
I'm pledging my heart in with you 
Just to be your man 
Give us some kind of chance. I love you, Baby

I've loved you long as I can remember 
Your precious love's burning ember 
Together, Baby, how can we lose 
We are united, Baby, longtime lovers
No need to fight it 'cause we discovered

I love you, Baby 
I love you, Baby 
I love you, Baby

I've loved you long as I can remember 
Your precious love's burning ember 
Together, Baby, how can we lose 
Always been to me, Baby, a longtime friend 
Been a long, long winter. Glad we're lovers again 
We are united, Baby, longtime lovers 
No need to fight it 'cause we discovered

I guess I'II always feel the same 
Love is strange
Ah! P.S. I loveyou, Baby

I wouldn't have it any other way
As long as there's been a night and day
It's been you and your crazy ways



Superbad (2007)

Superbad (2007) 


Superbad片長雖有兩個小時,但流暢毫無冷場讓人不覺時間流逝,劇本寫的很好,台詞更是好到沒話說,幾乎是句句精華了啊!!兩位主角Seth、Evan,正是編劇Seth Rogen與Evan Goldberg兩人的名字,Fogell(McLovin!)也真有其人,在dvd的製作特輯有亮相!製作特輯中,真的Seth說這部劇在他們13歲就開始構思了。也許Superbad這麼動人,就是在戲劇化的情節中,角色的情感卻很真實,讓我們想起酸甜苦辣的成長故事。






"We will shoot you!" - Slater

"I assume you all have guns and crack" - Michaels

"Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law" - Michaels

"McLovin? Were you violating that young girl? Were you violating her with your penis?" - Slater

"We just cock-blocking McLovin. He's our friend. We don't do that. We should be guiding his cock, not blocking it." - Michaels

"Tight!" - McLovin


Ending scene

"Uh, So I guess I'll call you." - Seth
"Yeah, give me a call. You have my number." - Evan
"I have your information. So, uh, put her there." - Seth 
[shake hands] 

credit list中那些cock draws也太有才華了吧,學貫古今呢!


superbad's cops 


rotten tomatoes
memorable quotes (imdb)
full transcript

'Superbad': Adolescent Id, Awash in Hormones / David Edelstein

Monday, July 6, 2009

what federer said after his 15th grand slam championship

I'm happy I broke the record here because this is always the tournament that meant the most to me, It definitely feels like coming full circle, starting it here and ending it here.

It's not really one of those goals you set as a little boy, but man, it's been quite a career and quite a month, It feels amazing, but this is not why I'm playing tennis to break all sort of different records. But it's definitely one of the greatest ones to have.

(to Sampras) Thanks very much for coming. I know it's a long way, but you're a member, man, we like to see you here. It's such a pleasure to play in front of such greats legends.

(referring to Sampras) In a way, I still feel like we share [the record] because he was such a wonderful champion, He still has one up against me here at Wimbledon. It's nice that he shows appreciation for what I'm doing.

I'm aware that Rafa didn't play here, Injuries are part of the game, unfortunately, but I'm happy I became No. 1 in the world by winning this title because this is the biggest one there is out there. I love playing here.

This year is crazy, Things didn't look so good when I lost in the final of the Australian Open, which was still just an unbelievable result. But to come through and battle back and win Paris and now Wimbledon back-to-back, something Bjorn did a couple of times, it's amazing.


Text source: ESPN