Sunday, February 28, 2010

City Quiz

Taken "what's your city" quiz from here and it said that the city for me is Buenos Aires! After playing the game Chocolatier 2, Buenos Aires is linked with Oranges in my mind...

Your City is Buenos Aires

You are cultured, sophisticated, and quite old fashioned. You believe traditions are important, but you are still quite vibrant.
People don't know you well at all, and if they do, they totally misunderstand what you are all about.

You are more interesting and more intelligent than anyone gives you credit for. You are a bit of a hidden treasure.
You are creative, ambitious, beautiful, and fun. You may have a rough past, but you are always getting better.

Monday, February 15, 2010

徐佳瑩 - P.S我愛你


陳嘉唯 - 幸福導航

J. P. Chenet Colombard-Chardonnay

First time for white wine. Nice color and scent, green apple flavor, a bit salty. Good balance of sweet and sour.


More: Lion Distributors, WBS, snooth

Sunday, February 14, 2010

中島美嘉 - 雪の華(雪之華)

Beautiful voice, beautiful lyrics. Heart-braking and brave.


中島美嘉 - 雪の華

Friday, February 12, 2010


Gizmodo看到這個提名2010奧斯卡Best Animated Short的短片,麥當勞叔叔果然怎麼看都是邪惡怪叔叔。看了這個影片後,也覺得如果有個"7-11rama"可能也相當可觀,應該會有open小將抓狂或亂殺人的場面。

list: 2009年看的電影

last update: 2010.2.12


Sep - Dec    
- Food Inc. (2008) ****
- Four Christmases (2008) ***+
11.12 Memory Keeper's Daughter (2008) ***+
11.12 Idiocracy (2006) ****
- What Dreams May Come **
- Good Will Hunting ***
- The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) ***+
- 有情飲水飽 **
- 去吧!揸fit人軍團
- 墨斗先生 ****+
- Death Becomes Her *****
- 麥兜故事 *****
- 麥兜波蘿油王子 *****


- 芭樂特 (Borat) -
8.3 天外奇蹟 (Up) *****


7.29 王牌天神續集 (Evan Almighty)
7.26 海賊王:祭典男爵與神祕島
- 聖誕老兄 (Fred Claus) ****
- 豬頭漢堡飽 (Harold & Kumar go to white castle) ***
- 野蠻公主 (Wild Child) *+
- 歌舞青春
- 40處男 **
- 經典老爺車 (Gran Torino) ****
7.15 偷天鋼索人 (Man On Wire) ***
7.15 銀幕大角頭 (Anchorman: The Lengend of Ron Burgundy) ****
7.15 Big Fish ***
- 鐵男躲避球 (Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story) ***
7.9 男孩我最壞 (Superbad) *****
- 神鬼無間 (The Departed) ***
- 爛兄爛弟 (Step Brothers) ***
- 特務行不行 (Get Smart) ***
- 勇敢復仇人 **+

list: 2009年看的戲劇

last update: 2010.2.12

***** 律政新人王I
****+ 律政新人王II
*** 命中注定我愛你
** 敗犬女王
***** 咖啡王子一號店
*** 幻想情侶
**** 好老婆大聯盟(大老婆的反擊)
**** Last Friends