Sunday, February 14, 2010

中島美嘉 - 雪の華(雪之華)

Beautiful voice, beautiful lyrics. Heart-braking and brave.


中島美嘉 - 雪の華

のびた人陰(かげ)を 舗道に並べ


今年 最初の雪の華を 2人寄り添って
ただ キミを愛してる 心からそう思った

キミがいると どんなことでも
こんな日々がいつまでもきっと 続いてくことを祈っているよ

風が窓を揺らした 夜は揺り起こして
どんな悲しいことも ボクが笑顔へと変えてあげる

舞い落ちてきた雪の華が 窓の外ずっと
降りやむことを知らずに ボクらの街を染める
誰かのために何かを したいと思えるのが 愛ということを知った

もし キミを失ったとしたなら 星になってキミを照らすだろう
笑顔も 涙に濡れてる夜も いつもいつでもそばにいるよ

今年 最初の雪の華を 2人寄り添って
眺めているこの時間(とき) シアワセがあふれだす
甘えとか弱さじゃない ただ キミとずっと
このまま一緒にいたい 素直にそう思える

この街に降り積もってく 真っ白な雪の華


不斷延伸的影子 在紅磚道上並列 
永遠緊緊牽著手 只要能在你身旁 

風兒變得寒冷 有了冬天的味道 
這條街也即將到了 能和你接近的季節來臨 

今年 最初的雪花 向我倆靠近 
充滿了幸福的喜悅 沒有撒嬌和脆弱 
只是 愛你 打從心底愛你 

只要有你在 無論發生什麼 
我祈禱著 這樣的日子一定會直到永遠 

風兒吹得窗搖 把夜晚搖醒 
無論多麼悲傷的事 我用笑容為你改變 

雪花飛舞飄落 在窗外一定 
不知何時雪已停 把我們的街道染色 
想為某人做些什麼事 原來 這就是愛 

如果 我失去了你 我會變成星星照耀你 
微笑 或被淚水沾濕的夜晚 我會永遠在你身旁 

今年 最初的雪花 向我倆靠近 
再眺望著的這個時間裡 充滿了幸福的喜悅 
沒有撒嬌和脆弱 只是 想永遠地 
就這麼一直一起 我真心地這麼想 

在這條街上堆積的 純白雪花 



Hayley Westenra (海莉) English version:

Together hand in hand we walked through evening gloom
Long shadows on the pavement, cast from the sunset sky
If only this would last until the end of time
And if this is forever I swear that I could cry

The northern wind starts to blow
And the smell of winter’s in the air
As we take each step upon the ground
The season of love grows near

We could share the very first snowflowers of the year
In your arms where I belong
Watch as the city turns from grey to white
The day turns into night
Love that floats like wayward clouds, that’s not what we’re about
Sure and strong is my love for you
And it comes from the bottom of my heart

With you by my side, to catch me when I fall
I can cast my fears aside; feel twice as tall
If only this would last, this smile upon my face
And if this is forever, you’re my saving grace

The nights were so cold without you
And the days were always short on light
Now a fire’s warming me through
And suddenly this upturned world is feeling right
Yuki no Hana (Snow Flower - English Version) lyrics on 

We could share the very first snowflowers of the year
In your arms where I belong
Watch as the city turns from grey to white
The day turns into night
Love that floats like wayward clouds, that’s not what we’re about
Sure and strong is my love for you
And it comes from the bottom of my heart

If there comes a time when you have lost your way
I’ll turn myself into a star to guide you through
If ever you find tears upon your face
I will be there, always be there for you

We could share the very first snowflowers of the year
In your arms where I belong
Watch as the city turns from grey to white
The day turns into night
Love that floats like wayward clouds, that’s not what we’re about
Sure and strong is my love for you
The city turns from grey to white
The day turns into night

We could share the very first snowflowers of the year
In your arms where I belong

Cold winds from the North blow
The sky casts its last glow
But you and I are standing strong




你空出一雙手 穿過黑夜握住我
誰都沒有開口 星星也忘了閃爍

#那時候 還記得那時候 從手心傳過來的溫柔
 如果說 只能活這一天 曾經與你深深相愛 我已沒有遺憾

*我用回憶溫暖了想你的每一刻 不讓你離我太遙遠
 走在這個適合擁抱的季節 愛在心裡所以我不可憐


並肩的兩個人 在銀白色的街頭
印下的腳印還一直 在我的心裡往前走
從愛的第一秒 直到最後一分鐘

Repeat #,*,※

當走過的路流過的淚 被落葉掩沒
別問未來怎麼辦 我只需要等待

Repeat *,*

回憶溫暖了想你的每一刻 把最後的合照擺在窗前
想像著你也許跟我一樣 正在倒數再見的時間


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