"A ball ''hits'' an obstacle during a timestep when it would otherwise move on top of the bumper or wall grid point. A hit causes the ball to ``rebound'' by turning right (clockwise) 90 degrees, without ever moving on top of the obstacle and without changing position (only the direction changes as a result of a rebound)."
其他就是照著遊戲規則simulation了。Runtime 0.044,Ranking進前100,開心開心。
#include <stdio.h> #define MAX 50 #define GAME 0 #define VALUE 1 #define COST 2 #define RIGHT 0 #define UP 1 #define LEFT 2 #define DOWN 3 int m, n, g[3][MAX+1][MAX+1]; int pinball(int x, int y, int dir, int life); void nextmove(int x, int y, int dir, int *arr); int chgdir(int dir); int main(){ int i, j, t; int x, y, v1, v2, sum; scanf("%d %d", &m, &n); scanf("%d", &t); /*cost of hitting the wall*/ /*initialize the pinball game & set walls*/ for(i=1; i<=m; i++){ g[GAME][1][i] = g[GAME][n][i] = 1; g[VALUE][1][i] = g[VALUE][n][i] = 0; g[COST][1][i] = g[COST][n][i] = t; } for(i=2; i<n; i++){ for(j=1; j<=m; j++){ if( j==1 || j==m ){ g[GAME][i][j] = 1; g[VALUE][i][j] = 0; g[COST][i][j] = t; } else g[GAME][i][j] = g[VALUE][i][j] = g[COST][i][j] = 0; }/*j*/ }/*i*/ /*read bumpers*/ scanf("%d", &t); /*number of bumpers*/ for(i=0; i<t; i++){ scanf("%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &v1, &v2); g[GAME][x][y] = 1; g[VALUE][x][y] = v1; g[COST][x][y] = v2; }/*i*/ /*read balls*/ sum = t = 0; while( scanf("%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &v1, &v2) != EOF ){ t = pinball(x, y, v1, v2); sum += t; printf("%d\n", t); }/*while*/ printf("%d\n", sum); exit(0); } int pinball(int x, int y, int dir, int life){ int v, move[2]; v = 0; while( life > 1 ){ nextmove(x, y, dir, move); if( g[GAME][ move[0] ][ move[1] ] == 1 ){ life -= g[COST][ move[0] ][ move[1] ]; v += g[VALUE][ move[0] ][ move[1] ]; dir = chgdir(dir); } else{ x = move[0]; y = move[1]; } life--; }/*while life > 1*/ return v; } void nextmove(int x, int y, int dir, int *arr){ arr[0] = x; arr[1] = y; switch (dir) { case RIGHT: arr[0]++; break; case UP: arr[1]++; break; case LEFT: arr[0]--; break; case DOWN: arr[1]--; break; default: break; } } int chgdir(int dir){ if( dir == RIGHT ) dir = DOWN; else dir--; return dir; }
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